Max is a Blue
Harlequin male Great Dane. Whelped
September 25. 2017.
He arrived home on December 15,
2017, weighing in at 30.4 lbs at 11.5
weeks of age. Max
was neutered at 6
months of age.
It was quite a
rough few months after he got here, as
he had diarrhea right from his arrival
on. At first, we thought it was just
from the change of food, water, plus he
was vaccinated that same day and also
the stress of moving into a new home.
After a couple of weeks went by with no
improvement, we took him back to the vet
for a fecal, and it was determined after
testing that he was positive for Giardia.
After a couple of treatments, that was
cleared up, but still have been having
trouble with the runs. Switching
to different foods was not really
working either. I finally cut back
on his food and that has helped
immensely, but the problem with that is,
he is always looking thin. At
least he's healthy!!! Hopefully he fills
out with age!
Max is such a
SMART, sweet boy. He catches onto
things quite easily and quickly it
seems. He loves his walks and especially
loves playing/roughhousing with
Macy! I
swear the two of them could go forever!
They're usually not too far away from
one another, and most often, when they
are not playing together, they are
sharing a bed and sleeping together.
include: Maxi, Maximus, Maxamillion,
Mad Max, Mr. Max.

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