Rodlins Uptown Abby
CKC Registration No. UG223896   Whelped April 22, 2008.
Can Am CH KG Halcyon Fire King  x  CH KG Musical Interlude

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Abby looking so mature already at just 9 months of age...where did our baby go???

"Abby" is a spayed, "flashy" dark brindle and white purebred female Boxer. She came home to us at 9 weeks of age, arriving here on June 25, 2008.  She is our first "cropped" Boxer, so we were very concerned about our ability to properly care for her ears, in trying to get them to stand correctly!  UPDATE! THANKFULLY, I have not had to tape her ears since the end of September, shortly after she turned 5 months of age.  They may not be "perfect", but at least they are standing without tipping!

Abby has moved right in and has stolen everyone's hearts...all except Molly's that is!! At 6 months of age, Abby weighed in at 46.5 pounds.  Abby has learned all of Molly's bad habits, and joins her in attacking vacuums, mops, brooms etc., but just cannot bring herself to attack the water coming from the garden hose the way Molly does!  She loves to play with Molly, and Molly actually likes to play with Abby too, and actually, even invites her, BUT, Abby just does not realize how rough she is, and she ends up hurting Molly, and that is why Molly dislikes her most of the time!  LOL!

Abby is my constant companion and just LOVES to be by my side at all times.  She so enjoys doing chores with me twice a day!

Nicknames include: Baby, Angel Eyes, Abigail, Abigail Brimbley, Abragail.




Abby is sired by Multiple BIS and BISS Can Am Ch KG Halcyon Fire King.
He is owned by KG Boxers.  Thank you Kristi for allowing me the use of "King's" photos.


Abby is out of CH Kg's Musical Interlude. She is owned by Rodlin Boxers.
Thank you Linda for allowing me the use of "Interlude's" photos.



Please be sure to check back often to watch for updated photos of Abby
"growing up", as she matures into a fine young Boxer!


Please have your pets SPAYED or Neutered!

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© 1998"MY"Chihuahuas

We are firm believers in, and followers of Spay/Neuter of pets!

This page was last updated on 04/02/17.