arrived here in Canada on August 17, 2018. She is a beautiful black homozygous pinto,
standing about 14.3½ hands. Just the right height for me! This mare has been ridden hundreds of miles all over
Tennessee (and Short Mountain!),
has been shown, and has been ridden in parades as well. We
are enjoying racking up more miles with
her now here in Ontario.
been a broodmare for most of the past several years, having had 4 or 5 foals.
She'll need some "brushing up" again. I've looked long and hard for another horse like
Cheyenne and hoping she'll come close, but will be a tough act to follow!
So far, she's been quite confrontational but is coming along, slow
but sure.
Unfortunately, it
was the seller's misfortune that resulted in my fortune.
Struggling with poor pastures, and nursing a very large filly in 2018,
Chic's weight has been pulled way down and she's been unable to
maintain. Seller's knew they needed to help her in any way they
could, even if it meant parting with her after owning her since she
was a weanling. I know how hard that must have been for them
to come to that decision. So again, THANK YOU for contacting me, and
offering me your beautiful mare. I am truely hoping that we can
build our own good memories!